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Vusal Gasimli: “Compared to other countries, Azerbaijan has allocated a large sum of money for the fight against coronavirus”

Vusal Gasimli: “Compared to other countries, Azerbaijan has allocated a large sum of money for the fight against coronavirus”

Vusal Gasimli, executive director of the Center for Economic Reforms Analysis and Communication, said that Azerbaijan's budget for combating the pandemic is about 3.5 billion AZN, which is 4.3 percent of GDP: "This is quite a large amount, and if we compare this figure with other countries, we can see that Azerbaijan has allocated a large sum of money to fight the coronavirus," he said.

“The Fact Check” examined whether Vusal Gasimli’s claim was true.

It should be noted that the International Monetary Fund estimates that $ 2.5 trillion will be needed to meet the financial needs of developing markets due to the pandemic.

Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, Sahil Babayev, told the International Labor Organization that more than 3.5 billion AZN has been allocated to reduce the impact of the pandemic on the economy, employment, and entrepreneurship, including 600 million AZN on employment and social welfare.

These funds are:

  • Health maintenance of about 15,000 evacuated citizens from abroad in quarantine at the expense of the state budget;
  • Mobilization of more than 20 clinics covering different regions for the treatment of coronavirus patients;
  • Organization of production of disinfectants and medical masks in the country;
  • Allocation of 14.8 million AZN for the construction of 6 new hospitals for the specialized treatment of patients with coronavirus infection, and 97 million AZN for the purchase of medical equipment;
  • To improve the provision of microcredit to agricultural producers  in the context of the coronavirus pandemic and in the subsequent period;
  • Donation of 5 million AZN to the WHO with the support of the Azerbaijani state to fight the pandemic;
  • Creation of 50,000 social jobs with a monthly salary of 250 AZN
  • Granting two-month lump-sum assistance to 600,000 people in the amount of the subsistence minimum (190 AZN);
  • Allocation of funds in order to strengthen the social protection of medical workers, etc.

The action plan of the Cabinet of Ministers and reports on the implementation of measures entrusted to the Ministry of Economy provided more detailed information on expenditures.

According to the State Statistical Committee, the GDP in Azerbaijan in 2019 amounted to 81.6 million AZN. If we take into account that a total of 3.5 billion AZN has been allocated to fight the coronavirus, this amount is 4.28 percent of last year's GDP.

In a study conducted by Forbes magazine in May, the comparison of the funds allocated by the world's strongest economies to fight the coronavirus with GDP was reflected.

According to the list, Japan allocated 21.1% of GDP, the United States - 13%, Sweden - 12%, Germany - 10.7%, France - 9.3%, Spain - 7.3%, Italy - 5.7%, United Kingdom - 5%, China - 3.8%, South Korea - 2.2%.

Funds allocated for the fight against coronavirus

Country Allocated funds (dollars) GDP 2019 (dollars) Share in GDP (%)
USA 2,200 trillion 22.20 trillion 9.9
China 559 billion 15.47 trillion 3.6
Japan 1.16 trillion 5.50 trillion 21
Germany 814 billion 4.16 trillion 19.6
United Kingdom 350 billion 2.93 trillion 11.9
France 387 billion 2.88 trillion 13.4
Russia 73 billion 1.67 trillion 4.4
Turkey 14.6 billion 809.6 billion 1.8
Kazakhstan 10 billion 177.32 billion 5.6
Iran 4.6 billion 495.69 billion 0.9
Azerbaijan 2 billion 47.43 billion 4.3
Georgia 1.145 billion 18.89 billion 6.1
Uzbekistan 1 billion 55.48 billion 1.8
Armenia 273.5 million 13.87 billion 2
Belarus 40 million 63.66 billion 0.6

As can be seen from the table, Azerbaijan ranks third among the six CIS countries in terms of the share of funds allocated for the fight against coronavirus in GDP, lagging behind only Georgia among neighboring countries, and ninth among 15 countries in the overall list.

“The Fact Check” concludes that Vusal Gasimli’s claim is Mostly False.

“trend.az” Vusal Gasimli: Azerbaijan's budget for combating the pandemic is about 3.5 billion AZN

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“dw.com” Coronavirus: German parliament passes historic aid package

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“euronews.com” COVID-19 in economics: What do economists say for Turkey's 100 billion TL prevention package?

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“apa.az” MP: "Azerbaijani state reaffirms its support for the people in these difficult times"

“e-qanun.az” On allocation of funds for the supply of necessary medical equipment and other medical devices within the framework of health measures implemented in the Republic of Azerbaijan against the coronavirus pandemic

“e-qanun.az” On allocation of funds to improve the provision of microcredit to agricultural producers in the context of the coronavirus pandemic and in the subsequent period

“report.az” Azerbaijan allocates an additional $ 5 million to the WHO

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“e-qanun.az” On strengthening the social protection of health workers participating in measures to combat a new type of coronavirus (COVID-19) infection

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“economy.gov.az” On the mechanisms of providing financial support to entrepreneurs affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

“economy.gov.az” Mechanisms of economic growth and state support measures for entrepreneurs

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Mostly false
  • 30 June, 2020
  • 2410

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