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Mashur Mammadov: “Families of martyrs and disabled war veterans are provided with housing and cars”

Mashur Mammadov: “Families of martyrs and disabled war veterans are provided with housing and cars”

MP Mashhur Mammadov told yap.org.az that the families of martyrs and disabled war veterans are provided with housing and cars.

Fakt Yoxla examined whether this claim of the deputy was true.

According to the SSC, as of the beginning of 2020, there are 15,261 people who have become disabled for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. In addition, 3,312 people became disabled during military service. As of early 2020, the number of families of martyrs was 11,904.

If we take into account the 2,841 people who have been assigned the status of the martyr in the Second Karabakh War, this figure is now about 15,000. However, the study will not take into account the Second Karabakh War.

Procedures for concessions and privileges granted to the families of martyrs are regulated by the Law on Perpetuation of the Name of the Martyr and Concessions to the Families of Martyrs. In 2014, according to a presidential order, an action plan was developed to provide persons with disabilities due to the protection of the country's territorial integrity, independence, and constitutional order and families of martyrs with housing or individual houses in stages in 2014-2018. In January 2019, this order was amended and the action plan was extended until 2028.

Providing housing

According to the latest data of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population, about 850 apartments were provided to the families of martyrs and disabled war veterans last year. In total, by the end of 2020, about 8,900 apartments and individual houses have been provided to such people. At present, a total of 6,903 people, 2,805 of which are families of martyrs, are on the queue list for housing.

Among them are also those who have been waiting in queue since 1995. Such that the dates of the housing queue mainly vary between 1993-2014. This list does not include indicators of Fuzuli and Yardimli districts. Although the ministry also mentions these districts in the list, it is not possible to access any link for information.

Providing cars

Through the Ministry, persons with disabilities due to the protection of territorial integrity and other reasons are provided with cars at the expense of the state in cases of medical prescription. According to the latest information, 6,487 people were provided with cars during 1998-2020. Of them, 4,214 had become disabled during the Karabakh war, 689 - during military service, and 88 - during the January 20 events. At present, 49 people, who had become disabled during the January 20 events and the Karabakh war, are waiting in queue for a car. In other words, if we take into account that group I disabled people may not have a medical prescription for a car, about 5,000 of the more than 10,000 disabled war veterans have been provided with cars.

Thus, not all families of martyrs and disabled war veterans have been provided with housing for the current period, and the provision of a car applies only to the disabled, and about half of them have benefited from this benefit. Here, persons killed and wounded during the First Karabakh War (before the ceasefire - 1994), during the ceasefire (1994 - September 27, 2020), and during the Second Karabakh War (September 27, 2020 - November 10, 2020) are taken into account. However, while the number of martyrs and disabled people has increased over the years, the process of providing them with housing and cars has not been stopped by the state. As can be seen, the process continued at a dynamic pace. On the one hand, the number of martyrs and the disabled increased; on the other hand, the process of providing them with housing and cars did not stop. Therefore, it is considered a dynamic process.

Taking into account all this, Fakt Yoxla concludes that the deputy’s claim is mostly true.

Mostly true
  • 12 January, 2021
  • 4315

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