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AZERTAC: "The number of crimes has decreased in Azerbaijan"

AZERTAC: "The number of crimes has decreased in Azerbaijan"

AZERTAC State News Agency published news with the headline "The number of crimes has decreased in Azerbaijan".

In the information released by the agency with reference to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is noted that compared to 2021, crimes against persons last year decreased by 2.4%, intentional homicide attempts – 13%, intentional serious harm to health – 5%, crimes committed with the use of firearms – 17.6%, those committed on the basis of family conflict – 2.4%, livestock theft – 21.3%.

Fakt Yoxla examined whether the claim that the number of crimes had decreased in Azerbaijan was true.

The figures released by the State Statistical Committee (SSC) show that the general crime statistics in Azerbaijan have increased in the last three years. While 31,131 criminal cases were recorded in 2021, this indicator increased to 36,494 in 2022.


In the news published by AZERTAC, the comparison of crime statistics for the last two years was announced at the board meeting of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) on the results of 2022.

These indicators are mainly included in the category of serious crimes.

It should be taken into account that less serious crimes have also been committed in the country.

According to the statement of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a total of 36,494 criminal cases were recorded in Azerbaijan in 2022, of which 83.4 per cent were crimes that did not pose a great public threat and less serious crimes. In this case, the share of publicly dangerous crimes was 16.6 per cent last year. However, in 2021, this indicator was 16 percent.

Thus, in the last two years, there has been a sharp increase in the total number of crimes recorded in the country. In 2022, the number of crimes recorded in statistics increased by 17% compared to a year ago. Last year, the number of recorded serious crimes increased by 6 per cent.

Fakt Yoxla concludes that the claim of AZERTAC is False

  • 30 January, 2023
  • 4661

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