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Allegations of hijab ban on girls under 15

Allegations of hijab ban on girls under 15

Allegations have been made on social media that the Milli Majlis has passed a law banning girls under the age of 15 from wearing the hijab. 

Some social media users believe that this will restrict the access of students wearing headscarves to educational institutions.

The screenshot was taken from Shaig Abas's Facebook page.

The screenshot was taken from Abid Gafarov's Facebook page.

Fakt Yoxla examined whether these allegations were true.

On May 4, the Milli Majlis adopted a Draft Law on Amendments to the Draft Law on Freedom of Religion. In the amendments, several additions were made to Article 1 of the law. Part 5 is given in the following edition: 

“Parents or other legal representatives may, by mutual consent, raise their children in accordance with their religious beliefs and attitudes. It is forbidden to force children to believe in religion. The religious upbringing of children should not have a negative impact on their physical and mental health.”

An earlier version of Part 5 stated that parents or guardians might, by mutual consent, raise their children according to their religious beliefs and attitudes. Apparently, the new amendment prohibits forcing children to believe in religion. However, it recognizes the right of parents to raise their children in accordance with their religious beliefs.

As for the expressions "child" and "15 years" in the allegations, according to the Law on the Rights of the Child, any person who has not reached the age of 18 (adulthood) and has not acquired full legal capacity is considered a child. According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, ratified by Azerbaijan, States Parties respect the freedom of thought, conscience, and religion of the child.

Restrictions on the freedom to practice one's religion or denomination may be imposed only in accordance with the law and necessary for the protection of national security, public order, the moral and health of the population, or the protection of the fundamental rights and freedoms of others.

Thus, among the recent amendments to the law, there is no provision prohibiting girls under the age of 15 from wearing the hijab. Amendments to the law prohibit forcing children to believe in religion. The amendments to Article 1, Paragraph 5, do not apply to girls under the age of 15, but to all children in general, regardless of whether they are boys or girls.

Fakt Yoxla concludes that allegations that the Law on Freedom of Religion has been amended to prohibit girls under the age of 15 from wearing the hijab are False.


Fake News
  • 8 May, 2021
  • 553

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