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Sardar Jalaloglu: "The age of marriage in Azerbaijan is 32, 33, 35"

Sardar Jalaloglu: "The age of marriage in Azerbaijan is 32, 33, 35"

Short summary of the news

- Chairman of the Azerbaijan Democratic Party, Sardar Jalaloglu, said that the age of marriage in Azerbaijan is 32, 33, 35.

- In recent years, the highest average age of men entering the first marriage is 28.5, women 24.3. The highest average age of men and women entering general marriages was recorded 3 years ago, in 2020, and was 30 and 25.2 years, respectively.

"The age of marriage in Azerbaijan is increasing, it is 32, 33, 35"

This was said by the chairman of the Azerbaijan Democratic Party, Sardar Jalaloglu.

Fakt Yoxla checked whether the claim was true.

To verify the claim, the statistics of the average age of marriage registered in Azerbaijan in the last 5 years (p. 57) were used. In the article, in addition to general marriages, the indicators related to the first marriage were also given a special place.

Although the average age for married men increased in 2018-2020, this indicator decreased in 2021. In 2022, it increased by 0.1 percent compared to the previous year.

The average age of marriage for women has also increased in 2018-2020. However, after 2020, the indicator decreased; however, it remained the same in the last 2 years. 


Average age of marriage in Azerbaijan

Source: State Statistical Committee


Statistics show that the average age of men and women entering their first marriage has increased between 2018 and 2020.

However, for men, this indicator remained almost unchanged in the following years. Thus, it was 28.5 in 2020, 28.4 in 2021, and 28.5 again last year. The age of women entering into the 1st marriage did not increase after 2020 and continued at a decreasing pace.

In the years after 1990, the average age of marriage has changed in an increasing and decreasing trend. Unlike the figures in the claim, the increase has not been significant. The average age of men who got married in 1990 and 2022 was 27.4 and 29.8, respectively, and the average age of women was 24.3 and 24.9.

In those years, the average age of men who got married for the first time was 26.2 and 28.5 years, and the average age of women was 23.2 and 24.1 years, respectively. In other words, there was no noticeable increase in the comparison of these years, not only did they reach the age of 32, 33, and 35, but they did not even exceed the age of 30 in any one year.

Thus, in recent years, there has not been an ever-increasing trend in the age of marriage in Azerbaijan. Contrary to the claim, the age of marriage has never been 32, 33, 35. In recent years, the highest average age of men entering into the first marriage was 28.5 years, and for women 24.3 years. The highest average age of married men and women was recorded 3 years ago, in 2020, and was 30 and 25.2 years, respectively.

Fakt Yoxla concludes that Sardar Jalaloglu's claim is False.

  • 27 July, 2023
  • 3520

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