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Fake News: Gubad Ibadoglu was arrested on the charge of connection with FETÖ

Fake News: Gubad Ibadoglu was arrested on the charge of connection with FETÖ

Short summary of the news

- Economist Gubad Ibadoglu was found guilty and detained under Article 204.3.1 of the Criminal Code (when the acquisition or sale of counterfeit money and securities is committed by an organized group).

- Subsequently, a new charge was brought against Gubad Ibadoglu under Article 167-3.1 of the Criminal Code (preparation, storage, or distribution of religious extremist materials).

On August 12, Report.az published an article about the arrest of economist Gubad Ibadoglu, stating that he was arrested on the charge of connection with FETÖ, recognized as a terrorist organization by Türkiye and Azerbaijan: "... Gubad Ibadoglu was arrested on the charge of connection with FETÖ, then a person named Fazil Ismayilov was arrested in Turkey and brought to Azerbaijan." This sentence was later changed in the article published by Report.az, but it remained on Yeni Musavat, Iki Sahil, and Azerbaijan24 news websites, which published the same article with reference to Report.

Fakt Yoxla checked whether the claim was true.

Economist Gubad Ibadoglu was sentenced to be remanded in custody for a term of 3 months and 26 days by the decision of Baku City Narimanov District Court on July 24. Based on the complaint of economist Anar Aliyev, he was found guilty under Article 204.3.1 of the Criminal Code (when the acquisition or sale of counterfeit money and securities is committed by an organized group). Anar Aliyev said that the politician "gave him a dollar".

On August 25, Gubad Ibadoglu was charged with Article 167-3.1 of the Criminal Code (preparation, storage, or distribution of religious extremist materials). Gubad Ibadoglu denies these accusations and connects his arrest with his political and social activities.

On August 25, Gubad Ibadoglu was charged with Article 167-3.1 of the Criminal Code (preparation, storage, or distribution of religious extremist materials). Gubad Ibadoglu denies these accusations and connects his arrest with his political and social activities.

Gubad Ibadoglu, the chairman of the Azerbaijan Democracy and Prosperity Party, is known for his critical speeches against the government and studies on the economy of Azerbaijan. Two weeks before his arrest, he announced that he and professor Jamil Hasanli and former diplomat Arif Mammadov had registered the Azerbaijan Youth Education Fund in Great Britain. The economist said that one of the goals of the Fund would be "to return the dirty money stolen by the Azerbaijani authorities from the people and to spend it on the education of young people abroad."

After the announcement of the establishment of the Fund, these and other articles were published about Ibadoglu and other co-founders by media outlets close to the government in Azerbaijan, claiming that the Fund "serves the anti-Azerbaijani network".

The London School of Economics and Political Science, where the economist works as a professor, several members of the European Parliament, Sunna Ævarsdóttir, the General Rapporteur on Political Prisoners for the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the European Union, and several international human rights organizations called on the Azerbaijani authorities to release Gubad Ibadoglu.

Fakt Yoxla concludes that the news that Gubad Ibadoglu was arrested for his connection with FETÖ according to the official indictment is Fake News.

  • 30 August, 2023
  • 2567

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