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Bahruz Maharramov: "The European Parliament did not bring up the fact that nearly 300 people became victims of landmines."

Bahruz Maharramov: "The European Parliament did not bring up the fact that nearly 300 people became victims of landmines."

"The European Parliament has not once brought up the fact that nearly 300 people became victims of landmines in 2 years."


MP Bahruz Maharramov said this in his statement to the Report.


Fakt Yoxla examined whether the claim was true.


According to the information provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan on April 2, 2023, since the end of the Second Karabakh War, 288 Azerbaijanis have been exposed to the explosion of landmines planted by Armenia, and 50 of them have died.


On June 8, 2021, the European Parliament adopted a statement on the dire human cost of landmines in Azerbaijan. 


“We are saddened by the death of three Azerbaijani civilians, including two journalists, and the injury of four other persons, in an explosion of a landmine in the Kalbajar district on 4 June. These are unfortunately only the latest victims of the scourge of landmines in the context of the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict. We express our deep condolences to the families of the victims and hope for the full recovery of those injured,” the statement said.


The statement added that Armenia and Azerbaijan need to commit to cooperation and the exchange of available information in order to proceed with effective demining and prevent further tragedies in the future. It was also emphasized that landmines are inherently indiscriminate weapons, unable to distinguish between civilian and military targets.

Thus, the European Parliament adopted a statement on landmine victims.


Fakt Yoxla concludes that MP Bahruz Maharramov's claim is False.

  • 30 April, 2023
  • 2863

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